Nominee for AT Star Award 2022-2023
AT Star Award recognizes individuals for their efforts and contributions to the field of assistive technology and accessibility. This award honors members of our large and diverse community of dedicated educators and professionals committed to promoting the accessibility of the curriculum for students with exceptionality through the use of technology.
To nominate worthy candidates, each nominator may nominate one service provider. The nominee must submit a 250 word description of the process and implementation of AT/Accessible Materials for your student. As well as submit any additional documents.
Completed forms must be submitted by Tuesday, October 4, 2022.
The final selection of the award will be a decision of the AEM committee and the members of the committee cannot vote for their own nominee. The applicant will be notified by Friday, October 7, 2022. The applicant will be invited to attend the AEM 4th Annual Conference, to take place October 18-19, 2022, at the Crowne Plaza in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Award will be presented at the conference during the luncheon and covers the registration cost. The AEM award recipient will be asked to present during one of the Lunch & Learn in 2022-2023.
Any questions please contact or with questions. Thanks for your nominations!