Growing Concerns in Early Childhood
There has been an uptick. Has it felt like there has been an increase of students with delays and disorders in your district? You are not alone. Increase in Numbers [...]
Exclamatory Interjections
Printable Download Interjection Dice
2024 Braille Challenge
ORDER my Braille Challenge T-Shirt Do you have students that are braille readers? The Braille Challenge is an annual competition that celebrates the proficiency of students that use braille. Participants showcase their [...]
Celebrate in December
For many years now, the National Federation of the Blind have been holiday helpers in sending out Braille letters to children all around the country. Over the past few years, our Winter [...]
Louisiana Assistive Technology Framework
Access the Current Louisiana AT Framework 2nd Quarterly AT Meeting Topics that will cover during the meeting are: Update on new AT framework for 2024 school year Accommodations and AT for [...]
LEAP CONNECT – We missed you!
Tammy Dupre shared information about adapting the Tier 1 and the Unique curriculum along with implementing AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) devices. She shared valuable sites that can provide additional support to Teacher [...]