AAC Modeling Tips!!
Presume Competency Model without expectation Focus on "KEY" words Don't worry about grammar Pause/Wait Don't just model NOUNS Embed modeling AAC in all daily routines Core Word Lanyard Get the school year started on [...]
Summer Trainings
Leap Connect: Connecting Curriculum to Best Practices Oftentimes students with severe to profound exceptionalities have limited opportunities to read, write, and math. Learn to level the playing field by providing opportunities for generative [...]
What’s New in AAC?
AAC News NEW AssistiveWare Apps! Proloquo and Proloquo Coach More motor planning, color orientation, subscription based and free companion app Can go on an ipad and iphone Monthly $9.99, annually $99.99, proloquo license [...]
Tactile Symbols
Students who are blind and have limited or no communication or have multiple disabilities or are deaf lack the visual stimulation that a sighted student receive from their environment. Have you ever experienced [...]
New Year, New Approach
Gestalt Language Processing Have you heard of a "Gestalt"? If you went to any sessions focusing on pediatric language processing for children with ASD or related disorders at 2022 ASHA Convention, "Gestalt Language [...]
Prioritized Connectors for LEAP Connect
The LDOE published the "Prioritized Connectors Guide" in the August 23rd newsletter. The purpose of the document is to provide teachers with insight as to which of the LA Connectors will be priority [...]