The LDOE published the “Prioritized Connectors Guide” in the August 23rd newsletter.
The purpose of the document is to provide teachers with insight as to which of the LA Connectors will be priority for the LEAP Connect statewide assessment.
Teachers can focus in on the LA Connectors listed within this document during daily lessons and prepare students for testing questions. The document has numerous resources such as the “Companion Resources for the ELA Guidebooks for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities“. “The Companion Resources are designed for students with the most significant needs to facilitate access and success with a high-quality curriculum, improve professional learning partnerships between special education teachers and content-area specialists, and increase opportunities for students with significant cognitive impairments to participate in inclusive, least restrictive environments.”
For teachers using the Unique Learning System see the following links connecting the “Prioritized Connectors” to the ULS Lessons. These guide will show which ULS Lessons are PRIORITY for LEAP Connect preparedness.
Teachers can prepare for administrating the LEAP Connect Assessment by using the following guides
LEAP Connect Accessibility for Students Who are Visually Impaired | Download |
LEAP Connect Assessment Guide for Grades 3-5 | Download |
LEAP Connect Assessment Guide for Grades 6-8 | Download |
LEAP Connect Assessment Guide for High School | Download |