Last Updated: January 28, 2025/Categories: Assistive Technology/0.9 min read/

Tammy Dupre shared information about adapting the Tier 1 and the Unique curriculum along with implementing AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) devices. She shared valuable sites that can provide additional support to Teacher Instruction and student learning.

Adapted story with manipultives

Adapting the Tier 1 or the Unique curriculum is a valuable endeavor that can significantly enhance the educational experience for students with communication impairments. It requires collaboration, flexibility, and a commitment to meeting the unique needs of each student.

Remember that supporting Special Education in the context of LEAP Connectors is an ongoing effort, and LA-AEM can play a vital role in ensuring that students with significant impairments have access to quality education. Our monthly chat is a starting point for your discussions and actions.

Prioritized Connectors

The LDOE published the “Prioritized Connectors Guide”  to provide teachers with insight as to which of the LA Connectors will be a priority for the LEAP Connect statewide assessment.

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