AEMing for Success is Back!

AEMing for Success is BACK. Louisiana AEM Presents the 6th Annual AEMing for Success Conference.

Join us on Monday, March 17, 2025 at the Crowne Plaza for an exciting event focused on professional development anchored in evidence based learning strategies, focusing on enabling student access to grade level content by implementing Universal Design for Learning, Accessible Educational Materials, and utilizing the accessibility features of technology.


Provide professional development anchored in evidence based learning strategies, focusing on enabling student access to grade level content by implementing Universal Design for Learning, Accessible Educational Materials, and utilizing the accessibility features of technology.

Wonderful great information great presentation and presenters.

– Deborah Willoughby

The best presentation ever!!! So Excited to share with my teachers.

– Sharon Edwards

Group building a structure

Crowne Plaza, Baton Rouge

For rooms at the conference rate $108 + fees, please call 225-925-2244, using the group code AEM.

Deadline for reserving rooms February 21, 2025

Accessibility is Golden AEMIng for Success Conference T-Shirt

Conference T-Shirts

We have conference T-Shirts available for pre-order for $15 each.
Please complete the order form via the link above to get yours!

This t-shirt purchase is not a fundraiser and does not benefit AEM.


Monday, March 17, 2025
12:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Session 1
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
AAC in Inclusion?
How do I do it?
Meher Banajee
Nuts & Bolts of Eyegaze
Justin Sims

Session 2
3:15 PM – 5:15 PM
CVI Adapted Learning Materials & Routines
Cindy Champagne
Accessing Makey Makey Magic
Tammy Dupre
Conference Speaker with sign language interpreter

At Contact Meeting

5:15 PM – 6:00 PM
3rd AT Quarterly Meeting
(AT District Contacts only)

Evening Social

6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Networking / Cards Against AT / Dancing & Karoke
Finger foods and cash bar

Full Day Conference

Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Breakfast & Registration
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM

Opening Welcome
8:00 AM – 8:20 AM


Session 1 – 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
AT and APE
Megan Mast
Giving Voice to All: Communication and Curriculum Enhancement with the Cough Drop App.
Tanicia Doyle, Samantha Vidrine, & Kayla Davis 
Cultural & Linguistic Considerations in AAC
Dr. Kacy Woodson
Enhancing Learning with Kurzweil 3000: A UDL Approach to Supporting Diverse Learners
Missy Tatum

Vendors 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM

Session 2 – 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Click, Fill, Done: How to Streamline Your AT Program with Google Forms and Autocrat
Jessica Gill
AAC Across All Environments
Mallory DiBenedetto & Ashley Desselle
Learns, Learning, Learned: Expanding Language with Magical Morphemes
Kelly Ryan
Interactive Tactile – Engaging Students
Saundra Manual



Lunch Provided & Keynote Speaker 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Narjis Karimipour

The individual is wearing a teal hijab, a dark green long-sleeved sweatshirt with

Is a high achieving and outgoing 7th grader at Audubon Charter School in New Orleans. She is an Independent deafblind student who always challenges herself to the best she possibly can be. She is skilled in braille and O&M, and has competed and placed  First in the Louisiana Braille Challenge for the past four years; even making it to the National Braille Challenge in 2021. She has competed in many Braille Competitions and has done well. Her hobbies include reading, swimming, and spending time with family.  Her dream is to become a Marine Biologist and Dolphin trainer as well as an Advocate.

Session 3 – 12:45 PM – 1:45 PM
Pathway to Progress: My 3-Year AT Roadmap
Sheri Begeron
Dibels for AAC Users
Lauren Wells
Incorporating AAC into Classroom: When, Where, and How
Andraya Boudreaux & Shannon Endsley
Innovative Math Manipulatives and STEM Projects for All Students
Jim Franklin

Vendors & Snacks 1:45 PM – 2:25 PM

Session 4 – 2:25 PM – 3:25 PM
AT and Ethics
Theresa Rodgers
Incorporating AAC into the Classroom
Whitney Steib
Empowering Change: Collaborative Strategies to Support Functional Communication Throughout the School Day
Julie Riley & Britney Wright
Cindy Champagne

Closing and Giveaways 3:25 PM – 3:45 PM

For more information about the AEMing for Success Conference, explore the conference resources from last year.