A Gift of Speech
We are SLPs and creators who are passionate about speech therapy and supporting individuals to communicate no matter what their voice looks or sounds like.
Shannon Archer
Live Love Speech
Live Love Speech makes recipes VISUAL! Cooking is an immersive experience full of language opportunities. Our visual recipes help with processing language and increases accessibility to the fun activity of cooking!
Kristine Deworochki
AT for Access
AT for Access helps you use and implement AAC and AT! Marcia Ouazzia is an AT Specialist, Special Education Teacher and a Google Certified educator. She shares tons of free AAC and AT resources. She consults on every and any AT or AAC need!
Marcia Ouazzia
My Speech Therapy Closet
A new company has emerged called, My Speech Therapy Closet! This is a membership based website which has unlimited access to the beloved activities seen on the Putting Words in Your Mouth TPT Store and professional development opportunities. This is the HUB of resources needed for any school based SLP.
Mia McDaniel
PRC-Saltillo is a worldwide developer of speech-generating devices (SGDs), market-leading apps and several innovative AAC language systems that enable individuals with complex communication disorders the ability to express themselves.
Kelly Ryan
Speech Room News
Speech room news creates engaging activities for pediatrics. Our resources not only provide materials and ideas for engaging therapy sessions. We also provide resources for practicing SLPs to create smooth paperwork processes and organization. You will find many EBP strategies to include in your next exciting and engaging therapy session!
Jenna Rayburn
Avaz is a picture and text-based AAC app that empowers children and adults with complex communication needs to express themselves and learn.
Lakshmi Gnanabala Akilan
Speak for Yourself
Speak for Yourself is an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) application that was created by speech-language pathologists. This AAC app turns the iPad into a communication device. It gives a voice to adults and children who are not able to speak or are limited in their ability to express themselves verbally.
Heidi LoStracco
Control Bionics
Control Bionics offers a suite of assistive technology, including dedicated speech generating devices, to assist people living with complex communication and physical needs.
Christie Rowzee
Sarah Gregory
Sarah Gregory is an SLP who specializes in AT and AAC specialist. She is a national presenter and AAC/AT consultant. She shares AT and AAC resources and infographics in all of her social media outlets.
Sarah Gregory
OMazing Kids
Angela Moorad is an SLP with over 35 years experience in AAC. OMazing Kids AAC is a website of a wealth of AAC resources. Here you will find app consulting, several AAC Feature Matching resources, and information about unique features to support Gestalt Language Processors.
Angela Moorad
Engaging AAC SLP
Lauren Enders Gonzales is an SLP, AAC Consultant, AT Consultant, Special Educator, and Public Speaker. She presents nationally and consults on everything AT and AAC. She shares a wealth of free resources on all of her social media outlets.
Lauren Enders Gonzales
Drawn to AAC
Drawn to AAC is a resource that provides clipart of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices and supports.
Drawn to AAC creates free infographics shared on social media. She also has visuals in Canva under Drawn to AAC.
Jennifer Yoshimura
Beautiful Speech Life
Anne is a heart-centered SLP, educator and creator dedicated to helping you take the fear out of AAC. This website is devoted to sharing ideas, tips and resources that will help you not only SLP Like a Boss, but AAC like a Boss too. We’ll put the fun back in functional communication for the kids you work with (and for you too).
Anne Page
Talk to Me Technologies
TTMT’s product range offers a wide variety of dynamic AAC solutions, which include the Wego and Zuvo communication systems. TTMT is also the creator of the OnWord, QuickStep, Universal Core, and Zoom vocabulary page sets, as well as the Spark Symbol library displayed proudly on its low-tech communication boards, including large mounted communication boards featured in inclusive parks.